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Monday, October 22, 2012


             Performance management systems are a tool used by organisation or companies in developing and training their employees. This system must be linked to rewards, staffing, training, and development and career development. Recently, the meeting and discussion in organisations focused on the performance appraisal process. Regarding to human resources information system, most of organisation tend to introduce online appraisal or e-appraisal to evaluate their employees. This system can reduce paper-based system. It can be environment-friendly and it is easier for manager to calculate the score of employees as the system will auto calculate total score. The cost and time can also be reduced. They just need click to the system and it will work properly and efficiently. This appraisal can be done for annual appraisal. Employees can be access by employers through e-appraisal. E – Appraisal can benefit both by avoiding loss or misplaced document regarding to appraisal form. It can reduce due to overload and overlap of paperwork itself. 

            Besides, it can save the storage space. It is because when the employees send their appraisal from the implementation of e-appraisal, it can remain stored permanently in the e-appraisal system. Furthermore, if there is any compliance or dispute about appraisal, by using this system, the manager can refer it for review because it is just in their hand. 

          Regarding using this system, e-appraisal, there process that needed to follow. Firstly, human resources department send a broadcast link to inform manager or staff that appraisal system is ready implement. Before that, the appraiser should take responsible to create form depending on the policy and criteria that needed. Then, the further meeting is held for discussion about the e-appraisal. When all the people are satisfied with the criteria, the document must be done with name stamp and signature by appraiser. Unfortunately, one signed, the form cannot be edited. After that, the confirmed form will be sent to reviewer for stamp and signature. It is important for reviewer to observe and complain the form for future. Furthermore, human resources plays a role to compile all the forms then the last step is analytical the report. While implement this system, top management and subordinates should collaborate and agreed about the idea of form e-appraisal. In my opinion, e-appraisal is easy to use for employers to evaluate their employees. E-appraisal can also be environment-friendly because it does not use paper-based system. 

(394 Words)



1.       Scott A. Snell, George W. Bohlander.(2012) Managing Human Resources. South-Western, Cengage Learning.
2.       Paul Robinson, Louise Simpson.(2003) E-Appraisal : A Guide for Primary Care. London, Radcliffe Publishing.
3.       James E. Neal, Jr.(2009) Effective Phrases for Performance Appraisals : A Guide to Successful Evaluations. Perrysburg, Neal Publication.
4.       S. Sadagopan.(2004) Management Information Systems. India, PHI Learning.

1 comment:

  1. Great post. I am writing a paper about performance management so I have been doing a lot of research. That is how I came across your post. I am glad I did because this has been very helpful. Thanks so much for sharing Nur.
